User Experience Archives - Shane Hale

Archive for the ‘User Experience’ Category

Facebook Comments in a Responsive Design

January 21st, 2013 | User Experience | | Comments
Responsive Facebook Comments

If you are anything like me, your trying to work Responsive Design into all of your designs. Fairly simple CSS trick allows a website to scale nicely no matter the device that is viewing it. But one of the more challenging obstacles is external widgets served as an iFrame. This is the case with Facebook Comments. The standard implementation of the Facebook Comments code includes calling the Facebook JavaScript SDK and a single line of html for the DIV container. This installation sets a ‘data-width’ parameter that tells Facebook how wide Facebook Comment widget should be. In a responsive design, you want to avoid setting width. Set widths do not…

Bounce Rates: Why they matter to User Experience

January 3rd, 2013 | User Experience | | Comments

Most analytic packages highlight page views, unique visitors, and traffic sources. These metics are important for any website, but I believe bounce rate is more important. Bounce rate is a lead signal for website user experience. It will tell you if your users are finding the information that they are searching for, if you have good information architecture, and how the user feels when they land on your website. For these reasons any website that is looking to generate traffic should pay extra attention to the content bounce rate. What is exactly is a Bounce Rate? The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors only viewing one page of your…